Learning to Lead the Future

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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

New Administrator Standards

In my opinion, yes, the new administration standards should parallel teacher standards. We are not only leaders, we are 'teachers of teachers'. We must present, model, guide, and develop independence with our staff just as we did with our students.

In the administration standards, the first area, "Leadership and Vision", covers the additional standards administrators should meet. We have to set the tone in our school. We can't sit in our office and demand the use of technology without demonstrating our understanding and effective use. This is covered by standard A in section "III. Productivitiy and Professional Practice". Administrators must "model the routine, intentional, and effective use of technology". Also, Section "IV. Support, Management, and Operations", the teachers can utilize technology they have access and appropriate training to use. This is definitely something the administrator and county office have complete control over.

My overall opinion of the administration standards is good. They parallel the teacher standards and have additional components aimed at the leadership of the school. It will be interesting to see how the new standards change.


At October 1, 2008 at 5:20 PM , Blogger Banks Bumpy Account Blog: said...

I agree with you that the administration standards should be parallel to teacher standards. In addition, yes we are teachers of teachers. They are expected to learn from us and if we do not know how are we going to help them learn?

At October 2, 2008 at 1:43 PM , Blogger Nikki Miller said...

I also feel that administrators are charged with "teaching their teachers". I also agree that administrators should set the tone of the school in order that expecations and the vision might be fulfilled.

At October 4, 2008 at 8:10 PM , Blogger johnmodlin said...

You are right on target! Administrators should set the tone of technology for thier schools. Having the vision of technology will give ones' school an advantage as future standards synergize. Principals serve themselves well to demonstrate for teachers how technology will be useful in "their" classrooms and the advantage teachers will have utilizing these tools towards time management and inclusion and increasing EOG scores etc.

At October 5, 2008 at 3:33 PM , Blogger ...Fit for Life said...

I agree that as administrators we should lead the way in making technology important in our schools. We need to get help from all sources to stay up to date with new advancements in technology. If we can achieve this we will give our teachers and students a great advantage to succeed.

At October 8, 2008 at 9:30 AM , Blogger Learner's Permit Tech Lady said...

Leading as an administrator goes without saying. Leading in the right direction is our primary goal. That is why I agree with what you are saying. We must be prepared to lead and in order to do this we must be up to par with our standards which should at least parallel what we expect of our teachers.


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