Learning to Lead the Future

The best way to learn and to grow is to be open to new ideas and opinions. Please share your leadership ideas and opinions with me.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Read180 By Scholastic 3

From: tbradley1209, 4 days ago

Read180 By Scholastic 3
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own.

SlideShare Link

Saturday, October 25, 2008

READ180 the Battle Wages on!

Good Morning Esteemed Colleagues,
I am still trying to upload my powerpoint to my blogsite. It is on my slideshare slideshows but is not posted to my blog. I put it under education on slideshare.

I am not giving up. I don't know exactly what the problem is. I am bringing my computer to class on Wednesday and hopefully someone at ECU can help remedy the problem.

Have a great weekend.
Keep Smilin,

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Hi All,

I am posting my presentation about READ180. Although it is pricey, it is a great program. Schools are using it in Carteret County if you want to see it in action.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

New Administrator Standards

In my opinion, yes, the new administration standards should parallel teacher standards. We are not only leaders, we are 'teachers of teachers'. We must present, model, guide, and develop independence with our staff just as we did with our students.

In the administration standards, the first area, "Leadership and Vision", covers the additional standards administrators should meet. We have to set the tone in our school. We can't sit in our office and demand the use of technology without demonstrating our understanding and effective use. This is covered by standard A in section "III. Productivitiy and Professional Practice". Administrators must "model the routine, intentional, and effective use of technology". Also, Section "IV. Support, Management, and Operations", the teachers can utilize technology they have access and appropriate training to use. This is definitely something the administrator and county office have complete control over.

My overall opinion of the administration standards is good. They parallel the teacher standards and have additional components aimed at the leadership of the school. It will be interesting to see how the new standards change.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Navigating through this new adventure

Well, we are officially on our way and in the mix. We have turned in our first paper, made Bb posts, created a Blog, and finally met our last professor. WOW! This has been a busy couple of weeks.

During the past few weeks, I have been forced to reflect upon some of my leadership experiences. While I have had successes, they were overshadowed in my mind by an equal if not greater number of failures. A failure, in my opinion, is an idea or suggestion I failed to get the team to 'buy into' and try to implement. I had such an interest, and belief, in programs such as 'Number Worlds', 'Language!', or 'Positive Behavior Support'; unfortunately in my haste and excitement to present these new programs, I failed to honor some of the symbolic and political frames that were at work in my school. Even though they may have been successful programs and good for our students, the teachers refused to accept my input and the programs were never fully implemented.

What I learned and am learning, is the importance of letting those I am trying to lead understand why I am doing what I am doing. Just like our students: "They don't care how much you know until they know how much you care." I am going to give Professor Selke credit for that quote, although I believe she got it from somewhere else. It makes a lot of sense. Unfortunately, we live in a time where many people ask, 'what's in it for me?' I will make an effort to give the information and 'sell' my ideas by empowering my staff. Does this mean I believe every idea I present will go over with amazing success and we'll join in a huge circle to sing 'Cum by ya'(sp)? Probably not, but I will get further with that approach than with previous ones.

I am also beginning to realize that some of my former administrators may have had more of a clue than I first gave them credit for having. I can see what they were trying to accomplish and I can also understand 'why' they were met with resistance. Many of my mistakes and oversights were theirs as well.

It has only been a couple of weeks. Yet, I have learned so much.

My question: How many of you have made similar discoveries about yourselves or previous administrators? and, What are you going to do with this information?

I look forward to blogging with you.
Have a great day.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Thank you for visiting my blog. My intention is to gain as much information from as many sources as possible. The only limits to learning are intrinsic. The sky is the limit, and I am heading for the stars. I want to be an agent of change in our school system and in our society. To that end, please share your ideas with me. I appreciate your input and look forward to learning more.